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Duck2y Tatoo

Irezmi, short sleeve, chest short sleeve, long sleeve, back (with hip), back (without hip), thigh, shorts, long pants, one point tatoo
The Best Irezmi Expert in Korea
이레즈미, 반팔, 가슴반팔, 긴팔, 가슴긴팔, 등한판(엉덩이 포함), 등한판(엉덩이 미포함), 허벅지, 반바지, 긴바지, 원포인트타투
​나만의 문신을 원한다면 언제든지 오세요

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Representative director's history
​대표 이사 약력

해외 컨소시움 참여 이력 다수
해외 객원 아티스트 경력 다수 (일본, 마카오, 태국, 홍콩)

前 SorryMom Tatoo 대표이사
現 Duck2y Tatoo 대표이사

現 프리다이빙 강사
Many of the history of participating in overseas consortiums
Experienced overseas guest artists
(Japan, Macau, Thailand, Hong Kong)

Former Sorry Mom Tatoo CEO
Current CEO of Duck2y Tatoo

Current free-diving Master instructor


There may be no better way to communicate what we do than through images. As you browse our site, take a few moments to let your eyes linger here, and see if you can get a feel for our signature touch.

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